The Grad School Chronicles

Welcome to The Grad School Chronicles!

· 216 words · 2 minutes to read

So this is yet another blog for me, Hung Truong, to keep up to date. I’ve been searching for CS Graduate Schools and thought it would be a good idea to impart the information I’ve gained onto the web. Most graduate school info online tends to be dry and written from the perspective of someone who’s been through it all already.

This blog will be written by someone who’s still figuring out the process, so hopefully it’ll also be helpful to others who are going through the same thing. I’m still in the very early stages of the grad school process.

Ideally, this blog will chronicle the steps I take from figuring out how to apply, collecting the letters of acceptance, choosing which school to go to, and then my experiences during grad school itself. Hopefully I’ll get past the second step, at least!

I’ve learned quite a big just from talking to professors and advisers. Stuff that isn’t really available online, either. In addition to writing about what I’m doing to further the process, I’ll also try to post tips and information that I think is not so common.

Thanks for visiting, and I hope you get some use out of The Grad School Chronicles*!

*At least until I come up with a better name!