Hung Truong: The Blog!

Startup Incubation Week 5 Update!

July 09, 2011 | 1 Minute Read

I’ve been in New York working on our startup for about 5 weeks now. So far the experience has been really enlightening. Between reading the Startup Genome Report, a handbook on Customer Development, listening to awesome lecturers talk about bizdev, pitching, pivoting, etc, I think I have a much better handle on what entrepreneurship really is.

So far, we’ve probably pivoted about 2 times, and we’re not even at the halfway point yet! The support from mentorships has been really helpful in understanding what startups really need to focus on to be successful. Without a market, there’s no company. Without the proper product to market fit, there’s no company. And if everything fits perfectly, you still need to be able to scale your service or product to meet demand!

Approaching a startup in a semi-scientific way is also very cool. Instead of looking at a startup as an ultra risky venture, you’re really looking for ways to prove hypotheses and make the thing as un-risky as possible while maximizing the potential upsides.

Bebarang is chugging along and I hope to provide an actual launch post some time soon (in private beta, of course).