The Grad School Chronicles

GRE Delays and Drama

· 286 words · 2 minutes to read
Tags: GRE

I was supposed to take the general GRE test this morning. Since I would get most of the scores right after the test, and the site said that it would take 10-15 days to send the scores, I thought I would make it in time for all of my applications. It snowed really really hard (at least, for New Mexico) yesterday, so they canceled my test! I had to reschedule for December 27th… I’m not sure if the scores will even make it on time for a few of my schools, now!

I’ll go ahead and still apply to all of my schools anyway. I’ll be able to write the GRE scores on the applications. It’s just that the schools might not get the official scores until after the official deadline. I’m not sure how stingy some of these schools are, but I’d like to think they they wouldn’t throw an application outright only because the official GRE scores didn’t make it on time.

The good news is that I’ll have more time to study. I took the “Powerprep” practice GRE test, and I got a fairly high verbal (which I don’t remember, because I retook the verbal part again) and a 700 on the quantitative, which is decent. I was worried because the quantitative questions looked a lot different compared to the previous practice tests that I had taken. Apparently it didn’t make too much of a difference.

The bad news is that my scores might reach their destination late. And the test was rescheduled for 8am, when my original was at 12 noon. I’m not a morning person, so hopefully I’ll get enough rest for the GRE when I take it in a week.