The Grad School Chronicles

More GRE Practice

· 215 words · 2 minutes to read
Tags: GRE

So I took that same practice GRE test a few times yesterday. Unfortunately, it looks like I’m getting duplicate questions, so the accuracy of the scores is probably not as good. I got 690 on both verbal and quantitative this time. I wonder why I keep getting the same on both parts…

The first time through the math part, I actually ran out of time. This is because I took a more leisurely pace and suddenly the questions got more demanding. I suppose it’s because the test adapts itself to you. So if you answer a lot of questions wrong in the beginning, it’ll throw some easier ones at you. If you answer them correctly, the questions get harder.

I actually got a lot of new questions in the verbal part. It seems like I answered those correctly too, so hopefully it’ll be the same way in the real test.

I’ll try looking for another practice test with different questions so I can make sure that I don’t come into the test overconfident. I’d really like to not run out of time on the test. Also, I’ve haven’t really practiced the written part of the test, but I have been writing a lot in this (and other) blogs, which will probably help quite a bit.